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Writer's picturePastor Blair Hill

Message for the Last Days

Updated: May 25, 2020

2011 was a year of transition and confusion,  the transition is like wheat flour going through a sifter,  where the circumstances of your life are all shaken up.The result being that  you may get into God's perfect place for you.   

The year 2012 is your year of fulfillment and your year of restoration of the things that have been broken and stole from you.   I believe 2012 will have an outpouring of the Holy Spirit.  Joel 2 talks about the true outpouring of the Holy Spirit where there will be a spirit of harvest a spirit of revival and the effects will change people's lives. 

Families, young people and children will be on fire for God.   They will be prophesying and getting supernatural words from God.   You'll see men getting true visions of ministry, ones that will fuel fires of outreach to their communities.  

Every person will receive a fiery outpouring of the Holy Spirit.  And a fiery  and tremendous burden for lost souls.  Hebrew 12:26  stated the earth will be shaken,  Kingdoms will be shaken,  governments will be shaken.  But not God's Army they will have no fear, no fear they will be filled with faith. 

2012 will be a year of supernatural provision of funding for ministry.  This miracle will fund the last days harvest of souls.    These finances will not be for personal use. There will be a financial breakthrough,  debts will be paid off.  For everything that the devil has stolen from you and you will receive a seven fold return. Trusting the stock market?  It will be God's stocks in his markets!   It will be a great exponential return of all that you have invested in God’s Kingdom.  

God's principle is whatever you sow you will reap a mighty harvest,  whether it is good thing or bad things. Galations 6:7  If you so in tears you shall reap in joy.  The tears you have planted, the prayers you have planted. the intercessions you planted, the weeping you planted, the wailing you planted, will  produce a good harvest.  This is planted seed faith.

Joel 2 also states God's promise to restore all that the enemy has destroyed in your life.   Joel 2:25 states I will repay you for the year the locusts have eaten the great locusts and the young locust and the other locusts and the locusts swarm my great Army that I sent among you you will have plenty to eat, until you are full and you will praise the name of the Lord your God who has worked wonders for you. 

This is a year of restoration for you. He has seen all your tears and all your intercessions, and your broken heart.  These are seeds planted for spiritual harvest they will produce a return of answered prayer.   You will reap a harvest.    

God is about to deliver many in the body of Christ.   Many people in the body of Christ are filled with shame.  This shame has been laid on their shoulders by well-meaning religious leaders who do not understand.   These religious leaders are filled with condemnation from the belief of their laws and legalism.   This shame will be removed and lifted off your shoulders.   The spirit of shame will be gone, the spirit of shame will be gone.    You will live in a new realm of freedom and liberty. 

 Joel 2:27 states that know that I am God my people will never be shame.  God's people can’t minister from a position of shame.   Deliverance will flow like a river into the body of Christ to set them free.    God's Army needs to be free and powerful to reach this last days harvest of souls.

The Lord showed me a tornado as a representation of the Holy Spirit.   The purpose of this tornado is to undo everything that is normal to tear up and destroy the land.  It will tear up all the old things.  Jeremiah 1:10  So that God can release miracles into our lives.

This ministry in the last days shall not be a ministry for wimps.  Matthew 11:12 It will be for those who will stand for the truth. 

Acts 3: 19 states the times of refreshing will come from the presence of the Lord.

 Healing and restoration shall come.    2012 is a year of restoration.   Back to the tornado illustration, the tornado is sweeping through Grand Forks and North Dakota to undo things in people's lives to undo bondage is to undo religion to undo standards. Tornados tear down things with a mighty wind.  

Sound familiar It is a good kind of destruction that pulls out the bad things in our life.   In Jesus name the Holy Spirit is blowing through Grand Forks and North Dakota. 

We are in the valley of decision.  It is a time for a fork In the road, Grand Forks is at the point of a fork in the river. It is at the point of where decisions need to be made. This year is a time of decision, to make a decision to follow God and his will.  

The last days move of God is a different kind of revival. This revival involves harvest, harvest, harvest, of souls, lost souls, it is a revival of ministry, ministry to the body of Christ and ministry to the lost world. It is a revival of sending out missionaries training missionaries to reach the world. No more playing church or “just going to church”  it is time to be the church!

This is not a movement of man, but a movement of the Spirit of God.

Acts 5: 37 states If this work be of man it will come to pass it is not we will be fighting against God himself.     

It will not be one ministry or denomination that will have the corner on the revival. Ministry in the last days is going to look something like this…working together as Christians to advance the Kingdom.   

Proverbs 29:18  states where there is no vision the people perish.

Depression will leave Christians when they do the work God has called them to do.  Instead of just using there time to make money!

This is what ministry needs to look like in 2012

1.       It  must be prophetic (meaning the very word for the very hour)

2.       It must have intense worship and prayer and intercession

3.       There must be specific prayer for healing

4.       There must be body ministry taking place.   (Body ministry is where the members of the body of Christ pray for one another.)

5.       We must work together to reach a lost world.

6.       We must encourage intense and deep relationships within the body of Christ.

7.       We must connect outreach ministries in the area.

8.       We must provide healing, encouragement and restoration for those hurt by churches and ministry leaders.

9.       We must provide a base of missionary operations for sending and receiving missionaries. 

We must release and train young and old into their calling and ministries. This includes sending out and training home missionaries to reach their own neighborhoods, cities and states.

There must be a building up of those in the five fold ministries as stated in Ephesians 4:11-14 and gave some to be apostle’s prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers.  

Jeremiah 1 talks about tearing down and destroying anti-biblical teachings.  We need to bring about a destruction of those things that are not of God in church so the true ministry will take place.

There is a hunger for relationships in our land there is a hunger for fellowship among believers in our land.  There is a hunger for a relationship with Jesus!   

People are tired of being in bondage 2 Corinthians 3:17  states where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty. If God's Spirit is moving in a place it is the Holy Spirit, if you feel bondage, ropes and chains put around you it is not the Holy Spirit.  Restriction is not of the Holy Spirit freedom is.

People are hungry Amos 8:10-12 states there is a famine in the land not of hunger bread or thirst for water but of hearing the words of the Lord.

2012 will be a time of leading people in realms of intercession and worship to break through the spirit shall warfare over our families and lives.  Jesus said, I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against.   This is true prophetic worship.

I release finances in the name of Jesus. I release finances in the name of Jesus to fund the last days harvest of souls.

How shall they hear unless a preacher is sent (Romans 10:15)   Without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6)   

We need to target lost souls in prayer to be saved.   Just like you would target a smart bomb onto its target.   (Spiritual missiles)  

2 Corinthians 10:4 The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty.

We are targeting prayer into a small specific area to release a breakthrough an individual’s life.

We need to pray for clear transmission in the spiritual realm. Spiritual communication needs to be clear.   We need to bind up the hindrances in the spiritual network. It's very much like spiritual cell phone towers.  When there is clear spiritual transmission of messages we hear from God clearly.  We need to hear his voice.  Revelation states over and over again, “he that has hear,  let him hear what the Spirit is saying unto his church.

We need to release a teachableness and openness to hear God's voice and plan in the body of Christ

There is a blockage in the body of Christ because of religious legalistic teaching,  and because leaders have laid shame upon the hearts of the body of Christ.

America needs to be humbled.   This strong willed rebellious attitudes of America’s people must be broken.   America has been blessed financially now it needs to be blessed spiritually.  A release of spiritual blessings is coming upon America.   America needs to be judged for its wickedness.  This judgment will come through a depressing of the economy.   But, God’s true people will be under a spiritual cloud of blessing.  This is not for personal gain but for funding last mighty revival.    

We need to send in pray for warring angels to be sent into the spiritual realm to fight battles over our families, finances, ministries, and churches in Jesus name.

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