Miracle at Courtyard apartments. Wow, it was quite an evening at the Courtyard apartments. Destiny Outreach Church of Casa Grande had our first official pre-launch prayer meeting. There were eight people present and we met under the Ramada next to the pool, there are about 480 people in the courtyard apartment complex. We had our prayer meeting right in the middle of the complex and prayed like fire was falling from heaven, it was so anointed and full of life, full of crackling sparkles. I couldn't really describe it to you. It was like a bunch of Mexican jumping beans. The people who attended were jumping up and down sharing testimonies sharing Scripture sharing prophetic words praying with power.

The people that were present were jumping up and down and speaking and sharing and preaching sometimes at the same time. It was wonderful. It was like these people were tied up in bags for week and somebody just let them go. Jodi and I have been praying for seasoned ministry people that are on fire and God sent them to us. There was this excitement that was in the air that was almost tangible. My stomach was just jumping up and down the whole meeting. It was totally a God thing. We felt this tremendous outpouring as we prayed over the apartment complex, and prayed over the Casa Grande Valley. One of our intercessory prayers was to push back the spirit of drugs and alcohol that have taken hold of the Casa Grande community. There are so many parents who are addicted to drugs and alcohol and I'm not taking care of their children because of it.
The other thing we're praying for was that the children of the city would be ministered to, cared for, fed and blessed. We are declaring in the name of Jesus that the alcohol and drug problem will begin to get better, it will begin to be healed, and deliverance will fall over this region. We were releasing the prayers that individual would be delivered from drug abuse and alcohol abuse. This meeting was the first of our official pre-launch services, this is the DNA of our church. Home Missions. Outreach to our community. The purpose of our church is to build ministries, to disciple believers, and to release ministry individuals into the community. God was moving by as Holy Spirit over Casa Grande tonight, and He is only beginning. Please pray for our upcoming "Vision and Dessert Event" Sunday night April 6th 2014 6:30 PM at First Assembly of God Church. We will release our prophetic vision God has laid on our heart for this region!